Additional information

Administrative issues

Check-in - from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Check-out - from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Please notify us if you arrive after 6:00 PM
Free parking is available on request

No prepayment needed - you pay when you stay at the property

Rest and accommodation

The price of accommodation includes breakfast, wi-fi on all territory of the hotel, car park on request. In local restaurants the coast of lunch and dinner is about 25 euro per person.
Also we will help you to organize excursions to Venice, Ravenna, Ferrara, Bologna and any other city of the region. The Adriatic see with the huge choice of beaches is a 5-minute drive from the hotel.
Bicycle rental is also available for our guests (€ 6 per day) Accommodation of animals is negotiated separately.